Designated Very Important Person (“DDVIP”)

To reinforce our efforts to stop impaired drivers from getting behind the wheel and reduce alcohol-related crashes, the California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) launched the designated driver very important person (“DDVIP”) program.

The DDVIP program is intended to raise awareness about the dangers of driving impaired, and the importance of using a designated sober driver to get home safely. People who volunteer as a DDVIP receive discounts and other perks from participating bars and restaurants across the state, including non-alcoholic specialty drinks (“DDrinks”). You can check out the complete list of “DDrinks” available to DDVIP’s on our Facebook page.

OTS is also working closely with Recording Artists Against Drunk Driving (RADD) and their Designated Driver Rewards program aimed at college students. Currently available at more than 40 college campuses statewide, local bars and restaurants provide non-alcoholic drinks and/or food specials to DD rewards program members

OTS wants everyone to drive safely and responsibly, and one way to do that is by always designating a sober driver.


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