2022 Grant

Program Highlights

Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety

San Mateo County Office of Education, Every Kid Deserves a Bike Program
San Mateo County Office of Education participated in the Every Kid Deserves a Bike program in South San Francisco during the 2022 grant year. The program supported low-income families with outdoor experiences, 160 free bicycles and bike helmets for students, bike safety items and bicycle education. The Every Kid Deserves a Bike won the Project of the Year award at the Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition Summit in August 2022.


Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) “Go Human” Mini-Grants Program
SCAG implemented four community engagement activities during the 2022 grant year to support pedestrian and bicyclist safety in Southern California: the Go Human Mini-Grants Program, the Safety Storytelling Campaign, the Go Human Advertisement Campaign, and Complete Streets “Kit of Parts” Deployments. The Safety Storytelling Campaign included videos, speaker spotlights, and social media posts that focused on the impact of traffic deaths in communities. SCAG’s Mini-Grants Program awarded more than 26 service projects and events to increase safety in historically disadvantaged areas most impacted by traffic deaths and injuries. SCAG’s Kit of Parts were used at 13 events to showcase temporary infrastructure improvements like artistic crosswalks, protected bike lanes and curb extensions that improve biking and walking safety. SCAG also partnered with Caltrans’ Active Transportation Resource Center (ATRC) to provide the Kit of Parts to three locations outside of the SCAG region – Fresno, Paradise, and Los Banos.

University of California, Berkeley SafeTREC Complete Streets Safety Assessments
UC Berkeley’s Safe Transportation Research and Education Center (SafeTREC) conducted 12 Complete Streets Safety Assessments (CSSA) throughout the state, with an increased emphasis on developing community action plans and evaluating safety improvements in historically underserved areas. Community groups put together action plans where safety measures were needed and were provided potential funding sources to complete plans. Communities that performed CSSAs during the 2022 grant year included Cloverdale, Fort Bragg, Pomona, and Claremont. The program is expanding to 16 communities and an additional 12 assessments in tribal communities in the 2023 grant year.

Alcohol and Drug-Impaired Driving

Image of California Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor Training Network logo

Orange County District Attorney’s Office, California Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor Training Network
OCDA’s California Traffic Safety Resource Prosecutor Training Network (CA TSRP) provided training events to more than 900 attendees during the 2022 grant year which included law enforcement, prosecutors, and forensic scientists across California. The CA TSRP impaired driving network has now grown to more than 1,000 members.

Shasta County Health and Human Services Agency – Public Health, Driving Safe in Shasta
During the 2022 grant year, Shasta County Health and Human Services Agency-Public Health implemented Driving Safe in Shasta that focused on reducing drunk and drugged driving, as well as distracted driving. Activities included DUI prevention campaigns, development of traffic safety videos, designated driver and safe rides campaigns at colleges, and DUI prevention and Provisional Licensing education, which is also known as Graduated Driver Licensing, or GDL.

California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, DUI Awareness Program
In partnership with ABC, MADD California collaborated with educators, parents, law enforcement, and youth-serving organizations throughout the state to inform communities about the dangers and consequences of underage drinking and impaired driving. MADD staff, victim volunteers, and teen influencers participated in the Power of You(th) and Power of Parents programs targeting parents and students throughout the state, reaching more than 250,000 participants. MADD also created a series of underage drinking and prevention-related videos for YouTube.

University of California, Irvine, Drive Sober SoCal
UC Irvine launched a Virtual Ambassador Program, Drive Sober Only, to promote sober driving and raise awareness about driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol. The program uses social media to engage with students and the community by inviting them to become a “Sober Driver” Ambassador by helping spread the word. During the 2022 grant year, Drive Sober Only featured a social media campaign for Sober October with a series of “mocktail” recipes as alternatives to alcohol.

Santa Cruz County Health Services Agency, Arrive Sober/Llegar Sobrio Program
Santa Cruz County Health Services Agency (HSA) launched the Arrive Sober/Llegar Sobrio impaired driving prevention program to reduce the number of impaired drivers on Santa Cruz County roadways. The program’s focus is on the prevention and education of youth and adult drivers, emphasizing people of Latino ethnicity, community members and businesses. A social media campaign translated into three languages (English, Spanish and Mixteco) educated the community about alcohol-impaired driving. The campaign reached more than 32,000 people. The program also provided bilingual/bicultural impaired driving and traffic safety education and referral services through weekly education meetings for high-risk adult populations. The County also held community education events for families and young adult and adult drivers with a focus on Latino community members.

Distracted Driving

Long Beach Department of Health and Human Services, Greenlight Long Beach Distracted Driving Prevention Program
The focus of Greenlight’s Distracted Driving Prevention Program emphasizes youth and young adult education, implements data-driven awareness, and a combination of strategies to effectively address the inequities of underserved populations in Long Beach to reduce deaths and injuries caused by distracted driving. During the 2022 grant year, Greenlight launched the Safe Streets Youth Ambassador Program where students from across eight Long Beach high schools participated in a comprehensive 4-week program to learn the risks of distracted driving, how to use their voice to spread safety messages, and how to successfully develop distracted driving PSAs for their peers.

California Highway Patrol, Teen Distracted Driving (TDD) Program
The CHP partnered with Impact Teen Drivers (ITD) to make California roadways safer for teens and all those they share the road with. During the 2022 grant year, CHP and ITD held community outreach events and school presentations that reached more than 48,000 adults and students. In addition, ITD offered programming to youth probation programs, and established relationships with the Family Resource Centers and Family Strengthening Organizations to reach families in need of resources and support.

Motorcycle Safety

Anaheim Police Department, Motorcycle Safety Program
The Anaheim Police Department developed a motorcycle riding instructional course designed to teach defensive riding and simulate other scenarios that often lead to fatal and serious injury motorcycle related traffic crashes. During the 2022 grant year, the Traffic Section trained a total of 73 civilian motorcycle riders and 26 law enforcement officers.

Coronado Police Department, Ride to Live Program
The Coronado Police Department’s Ride to Live program hosted motorcycle safety classes for the public, teaching the same skills and techniques presented in police motor officer academies. In 2022, Coronado Police Department conducted eight trainings with 150 riders trained.

Occupant Protection

Butte County Public Health, Car Seat Safety Program
Butte County Public Health’s (BCPH) Car Seat Safety Program conducted or assisted in four National Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPST) certification courses, two renewal courses, and nine check-up events. During the 2022 grant year, BCPH purchased a trailer that allows staff to travel outside of the county to support partners raising awareness about the importance of car seat safety.

Solano County Health and Social Services, Solano Car Seat Connection
The Solano Car Seat Connection (SCSC) program launched a self-guided online course to allow parents and caregivers access to participate in the program virtually. The course allowed participants to learn at their own pace and at times that worked for them. This additional service offered another option for families who faced barriers such as scheduling conflicts or transportation issues. In addition, the program was successfully able to educate Solano parents and caregivers on proper car seat installation and utilization, and distributed free car seats to families in need.

Yuba County Health and Human Services, Child Passenger Safety Program
Yuba County Health and Human Services held a community event to promote the Child Passenger Safety program. The event was hosted by Yuba County Library and was a Halloween-themed event. Program staff engaged with staff using games and trivia questions related to passenger safety. Over 300 adults and children attended the event. The program won the library’s contest for best booth theme.

Traffic Records

Traffic Records Improvement Project Grant Program
The OTS awarded 26 Traffic Records improvement Project (TRIP) grants to local law enforcement agencies in during the 2022 grant year. These grants provide funding to create a new electronic records management system or upgrade a current one that allow for the electronic submission of crash records to the CHP’s Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System (SWITRS) database.

University of California, Berkeley SafeTREC, Transportation Injury Mapping System
UC Berkeley SafeTREC enhanced its Transportation Injury Mapping System (TIMS) and released the new DUI/DUID Crash Summary and Map tool during the 2022 grant year. The tool used historical statewide DUI/DUID crashes to generate charts, maps, and tables by user-selected options of impairment type, the level of injury severity, and year. The tool also allows users to generate self-selected counties and/or cities.

University of California, Berkeley SafeTREC, Street Story: A Platform for Community Engagement
SafeTREC’sStreet Story is a community engagement tool that allows residents, community groups and agencies to collect information about transportation crashes, near-misses, general hazards and safe locations to travel. Street Story allows users to search publicly accessible maps and tables that can be downloaded. Community organizations, agencies and members of the public can use this information to better understand local safety issues and to engage community members. SafeTREC partnered with the Coalition for Responsible Transportation Priorities to bring Street Story to Humboldt County to help advocate for safety improvements for people walking and biking on the streets. During the current grant year, SafeTREC will do a one-month pilot at transit shelters in Sacramento, Berkeley, Chico/Redding, and social posts to encourage people to report crashes and near-misses.

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