High quality traffic records data is essential for identifying traffic safety problems and developing strategies and programs to prevent fatalities and injuries on California roadways. At the core of the state’s Traffic Records System (TRS) is information from the six core data systems, comprised of crash, driver, vehicle, roadway, citation and adjudication, and injury surveillance data. The goal is to have timely, accurate, complete, uniform, integrated, and accessible data in each of the six components of the California TRS. The OTS remains committed to this goal through providing grant funding for the traffic records data quality improvement efforts, and through leadership role and collaboration with other state and local departments and agencies in the Traffic Records Coordinating Committee (TRCC). The OTS grants are used to purchase hardware and software to establish or improve traffic records data reporting, collection, and management. In addition, the grants are used to advance the capability to analyze trends in crash occurrences, circumstances, and outcomes.
- Reduce the number of persons killed in traffic crashes.
- Reduce the number of persons injured in traffic crashes.
- Increase the number of law enforcement agencies that submit crash reports electronically to SWITRS.