Police Traffic Services

The OTS provides grants to more than 200 law enforcement agencies throughout the state to conduct enforcement and education programs focused on deterring unsafe roadway behaviors and promoting safe roadway habits. Enforcement activities dedicate additional officers on roads to target specific traffic safety issues including impaired driving, speeding, bicycle and pedestrian safety, distracted driving, seat belt use, and other traffic violations that increase the risk for crashes. Other grant programs include officer training to conduct DUI/Driver’s License checkpoints and training to identify suspected impaired drivers. Education activities include traffic safety presentations to community members, organizations, and schools.


  • Reduce the number of persons killed in traffic crashes.
  • Reduce the number of persons injured in traffic crashes.
  • Reduce the number of pedestrians killed in traffic crashes.
  • Reduce the number of pedestrians injured in traffic crashes.
  • Reduce the number of bicyclists killed in traffic crashes.
  • Reduce the number of bicyclists injured in traffic crashes.
  • Reduce the number of persons killed in alcohol-involved crashes.
  • Reduce the number of persons injured in alcohol-involved crashes.
  • Reduce the number of persons killed in drug-involved crashes.
  • Reduce the number of persons injured in drug-involved crashes.
  • Reduce the number of persons killed in alcohol/drug combo-involved crashes.
  • Reduce the number of persons injured in alcohol/drug combo-involved crashes.
  • Reduce the number of motorcyclists killed in traffic crashes.
  • Reduce the number of motorcyclists injured in traffic crashes.
  • Reduce hit & run fatal crashes.
  • Reduce hit & run injury crashes.
  • Reduce nighttime (2100 – 0259 hours) fatal crashes.
  • Reduce nighttime (2100 – 0259 hours) injury crashes.



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