Communications and Public Affairs

The OTS Communications and Public Affairs program develops statewide public awareness campaigns, establishes strategic partnerships with public and private stakeholders, and conducts outreach and engagement activities with community-based organizations to encourage safe traveling behaviors.

The monthly and year-round education campaigns encompass the  “Go Safely, California” mantra, our rallying cry to make traveling to and from places safely a top priority. Statewide media campaign efforts coincide with national campaigns focused on impaired driving, distracted driving, speeding, and pedestrian safety. The program highlights a series of traffic safety messages on TV, streaming services, outdoor billboards, radio, and social media for each campaign, with the goal of changing behaviors. Outreach efforts specifically target youth, teens, young adults and communities identified as underserved who are disproportionately impacted by traffic safety issues.


  • The “Go Safely” Brand: Increase overall public recognition of “Go Safely California” brand that defines the OTS as the voice of traffic safety, a reputable and trusted source for traffic safety information, and builds positive perceptions and support for the OTS mission of saving lives.
  • Outreach and Community Engagement: Increase outreach and engagement with communities identified as underserved who are most impacted by traffic safety. Representation matters, and we will engage with all communities so they have a voice in shaping messages that meet their community needs and desires to improve roadway safety.
  • Leveraging Partnerships and Fostering Collaboration: Strengthen regional, state, and national public and private partnerships to position the OTS as a thoughtful leader in collaborating with others who share our values.
  • Proactive and Transparent Community/Media Relations: Maintain open and cooperative relationships with media outlets to improve community awareness of the OTS activities, initiatives, and programs. The OTS is a hub for guidance, resources and information that helps the public make smart, informed choices on how to stay safe on the go.


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