For Immediate Release:
Nov. 16, 2020

Tim Weisberg
OTS Marketing and Public Affairs
(916) 509-3020

The OTS Launches New Anti-Speeding Campaign Encouraging Drivers to “Slow the Fast Down” 

Elk Grove, Calif. – The California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) is launching a new education campaign encouraging drivers to drive at a safe, legal speed. 

Starting today through Nov. 29, the “Slow the Fast Down” campaign will feature a series of safety messages on digital platforms, including social media, streaming and gaming services, and outdoor billboards. In addition, video public service announcements will run on broadcast and social media, as well as audio versions on radio. 

The OTS hopes to raise awareness about the dangers of speeding, which has been a top traffic safety issue throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. 

“It’s clear that there have been immediate changes in driver behavior with more drivers speeding, some at excessive and extremely dangerous speeds,” OTS Director Barbara Rooney said. “This trend is alarming. We should be focused on protecting lives and the simple action of following speed limits helps keep ourselves and others safe.” 

Between Sept. 1 and Oct. 31 of this year, California Highway Patrol (CHP) officers issued 4,851 citations for speeding in excess of 100 miles per hour, a 93% increase when compared to the same period last year. 

In federal fiscal year 2017-18, speed was a factor in approximately 31% of all fatal and injury crashes in California. 

According to a 2020 survey conducted by the OTS and California State University, Fresno, nearly half of respondents believed it is acceptable to speed as long as it is not more than 10 miles per hour, but 78% believed it to be unacceptable to drive 20 miles per hour or more over the speed limit. 

“Speeding is a choice,” Director Rooney said. “We hope to shift social norms for speeding and encourage people to slow down on the road.” 

To learn more about the campaign and ways to stay safe on the go, visit

The OTS administers traffic safety grants that deliver innovative programs with the goal of eliminating traffic fatalities and injuries on California roads. The OTS is a department under the California State Transportation Agency. 



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