For Immediate Release:
May 7, 2019

Tim Weisberg
OTS Marketing and Public Affairs
(916) 509-3020

Students Nationwide Participating in Bike to School Day

Elk Grove, Calif.–The California Office of Traffic Safety (OTS) is asking the public to be mindful of activities near and around schools tomorrow for Bike to School Day.

Hundreds of schools, cities, law enforcement agencies, parents and traffic safety partners across the state are putting on Bike to School Day events May 8 to encourage active transportation to and from school. The OTS supports efforts from schools to teach children, parents, caregivers and the community how to use roadways safely and promote exercise.

“There are many ways to get around other than a car, and riding a bicycle is how many students in California travel to school,” OTS Director Rhonda Craft said. “Bike to School Day is a great way for communities to highlight something active, fun and viable.”

Bike to School Day first started in 2012 as a way for schools to emphasize the importance of safe routes for students and the benefits of bicycling.

  • The OTS has a few tips for parents and caregivers to educate their children on ways they can stay safe biking to school:
  • Make sure they are always wearing a properly fitted helmet. Helmets are required for all riders under 18.
  • Test them on traffic rules, like stopping at stop signs and hand signals for turns.
  • Your child should ride on a sidewalk if they can, or in the same direction as traffic as far to the right as possible.
  • Emphasize the importance of avoiding distractions, like using a phone or wearing earbuds.

With an increased presence of children on bikes, drivers should use extra caution around schools. Drivers are urged to follow best safety practices like stopping at stop signs, yielding to children crossing the street, not driving distracted and allowing at least three feet of space when passing a bicycle.

“Children should feel safe riding their bike to school,” Director Craft said. “We can all do our part to allow for a safe riding environment for all children.”

To see which schools are participating, visit To learn more about ways to stay safe on the go, visit

The OTS administers funding for traffic safety programs statewide with the goal of reducing deaths, injuries, and economic losses. The OTS is a department under the California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA).


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